
1. I would like you to label this diagram.

HINT! This might be on your Volcano Quiz!!!















Ash Cloud An ash cloud is the cloud of ash
that forms in the air after some volcanic eruptions
Conduit A conduit is a passage through
which magma (molten rock) flows in a volcano
Crust The crust is Earth's outermost, rocky layer
Lava Lava is molten rock; it usually
comes out of erupting volcanoes
Magma Chamber A magma chamber contains magma
(molten rock) deep within the Earth's crust
Side Vent A side vent is a vent in the side of a volcano
Vent A vent is an opening in the Earth's
surface through which volcanic materials erupt

2. Label the Ring of Fire.

OCEANS:                                                                    CONTINENTS:
Atlantic Ocean                                                                Asia
Indian Ocean                                                                  Australia
Pacific Ocean                                                                  North America
                                                                              South America

3. Define these words:





4. Please complete the following worksheets:

                    Volcano Worksheet
                    Volcano Circle Worksheet


Remember to study for your Volcano Quiz!

